Table #

1. Input Table #

Description: Defines various inputs that can be used in the Tekken automation script, including movement and combo actions.


  • UP: 0x00000001 - Move Up
  • DOWN: 0x00000002 - Move Down
  • BACK: 0x00000004 - Move Backward
  • FORWARD: 0x00000008 - Move Forward
  • L_HAND: 0x00004000 - Left Hand Action
  • R_HAND: 0x00008000 - Right Hand Action
  • L_KICK: 0x00001000 - Left Kick Action
  • R_KICK: 0x00002000 - Right Kick Action
  • L_B: 0x00000200 - Left Block Action

2. InputType Table #

Description: Defines types of input events that can be used to interact with the game.


  • KEY_DOWN: 0 - Key Pressed Down
  • KEY_UP: 1 - Key Released
  • KEY_PRESS: 2 - Key Pressed

3. Keys Table #

Description: Maps keyboard keys to their corresponding virtual key codes.


  • A: 65 - A key
  • B: 66 - B key
  • C: 67 - C key
  • D: 68 - D key
  • E: 69 - E key
  • F: 70 - F key
  • G: 71 - G key
  • H: 72 - H key
  • I: 73 - I key
  • J: 74 - J key
  • K: 75 - K key
  • L: 76 - L key
  • M: 77 - M key
  • N: 78 - N key
  • O: 79 - O key
  • P: 80 - P key
  • Q: 81 - Q key
  • R: 82 - R key
  • S: 83 - S key
  • T: 84 - T key
  • U: 85 - U key
  • V: 86 - V key
  • W: 87 - W key
  • X: 88 - X key
  • Y: 89 - Y key
  • Z: 90 - Z key

4. InputDirectionCodes Table #

Description: Defines direction codes for movement inputs.


  • NA: 0 - No Direction
  • N: 0x20 - North
  • u: 0x100 - Up
  • ub: 0x80 - Up-Back
  • uf: 0x200 - Up-Forward
  • f: 0x40 - Forward
  • b: 0x10 - Back
  • d: 4 - Down
  • df: 8 - Down-Forward
  • db: 2 - Down-Back

5. InputAttackCodes Table #

Description: Defines attack codes for various inputs.


  • N: 0 - No Attack
  • x1: 512 - Attack Code x1
  • x2: 1024 - Attack Code x2
  • x3: 2048 - Attack Code x3
  • x4: 4096 - Attack Code x4
  • x1x2: 1536 - Attack Code x1 + x2
  • x1x3: 2560 - Attack Code x1 + x3
  • x1x4: 4608 - Attack Code x1 + x4
  • x2x3: 3072 - Attack Code x2 + x3
  • x2x4: 5120 - Attack Code x2 + x4
  • x3x4: 6144 - Attack Code x3 + x4
  • x1x2x3: 3584 - Attack Code x1 + x2 + x3
  • x1x2x4: 5632 - Attack Code x1 + x2 + x4
  • x1x3x4: 6656 - Attack Code x1 + x3 + x4
  • x2x3x4: 7168 - Attack Code x2 + x3 + x4
  • x1x2x3x4: 7680 - Attack Code x1 + x2 + x3 + x4
  • xRAGE: 8192 - Rage Attack

6. AttackType Table #

Description: Defines types of attacks in the game.


  • ANTIAIR_ONLY: 11 - Attack that only affects airborne opponents
  • THROW: 10 - Attack that works during a throw animation
  • LOW_UNBLOCKABLE: 9 - Attack that cannot be blocked low
  • HIGH_UNBLOCKABLE: 8 - Attack that cannot be blocked high
  • MID_UNBLOCKABLE: 7 - Attack that cannot be blocked mid
  • UNKNOWN: 6 - Unknown attack type
  • HIGH: 5 - High attack type
  • SMID: 4 - Special mid attack type
  • PROJ: 3 - Projectile attack type
  • MID: 2 - Mid attack type
  • LOW: 1 - Low attack type
  • NA: 0 - Non-attack type

7. SimpleMove Table #

Description: Defines various simple move states for characters.


  • UNINITIALIZED: 0 - Move state uninitialized
  • STANDING_FORWARD: 1 - Moving forward while standing
  • STANDING_BACK: 2 - Moving backward while standing
  • STANDING: 3 - Standing state
  • STEVE: 4 - Steve
  • CROUCH_FORWARD: 5 - Moving forward while crouching
  • CROUCH_BACK: 6 - Moving backward while crouching
  • CROUCH: 7 - Crouching state
  • UNKNOWN_TYPE_9: 9 - Unknown type
  • GROUND_FACEUP: 12 - Grounded face-up state
  • GROUND_FACEDOWN: 13 - Grounded face-down state
  • JUGGLED: 14 - Juggled state
  • KNOCKDOWN: 15 - Knockdown state
  • OFF_AXIS_GETUP: 8 - Off-axis getup
  • UNKNOWN_10: 10 - Unknown type
  • UNKNOWN_GETUP_11: 11 - Unknown getup
  • WALL_SPLAT_18: 18 - Wall splat state
  • WALL_SPLAT_19: 19 - Wall splat state
  • TECH_ROLL_OR_FLOOR_BREAK: 20 - Tech roll or floor break
  • UNKNOWN_23: 23 - Unknown type
  • AIRBORNE_24: 24 - Airborne state
  • AIRBORNE: 25 - Airborne state
  • AIRBORNE_26: 26 - Airborne state
  • FLY: 27 - Fly state

8. ComplexMove Table #

Description: Defines complex move states and behaviors.


  • F_MINUS: 0 - Represents empty state and attack startup

  • S_PLUS: 1 - Tracking

  • S: 2 - Tracking, usually with a screw

  • A: 3 - Realigns if paused before throw

  • UN04: 4 - Extremely rare move

  • C_MINUS: 5 - Realigning, either worse than C or slightly better

  • A_PLUS: 6 - Very good realignment

  • C: 7 - Worse realignment than A

  • END1: 10 - After startup

  • BLOCK: 11 - In defense

  • WALK: 12 - Used for dashing and walking

  • SIDEROLL_GETUP: 13 - Happens after rolling sideways

  • SIDEROLL_STAYDOWN: 14 - Side roll stay down

  • SS: 15 - Side step left or right

  • T: 16 - Low, high, or mid throw

  • C_MINUS_22: 22 - Realignment very unlikely

  • UNKNOWN_TYPE_28: 28 - Unknown type